Owners List
Location: England
Story: Upon inspecting the new "More Items You May Like" window on the "My eBay" page, I eyed two copies of Mate. Feed. Kill. Repeat. I clicked the first one, not expecting to see anything special, and indeed I didn't. I went back to "My eBay" and was about to log off, and thought I'd just look at the other Mate. Feed. Kill. Repeat. CD for sale. And it's a good thing I did. The first genuine I had seen for sale on eBay was presented to me, with only 1 day left. I noted down the time it finished, and went back the next day. I bid on and won the item. The next week I had it, and am now the proud owner of a genuine Mate. Feed. Kill. Repeat.

Name: Rhianon
Location: Wales
Story: I got my mfkr quite easily, when I got given it I wasn't really aware of how rare it was, I knew there wouldn't be many but that was about it. I was talking to a friend one day and I mentioned that I really loved this new band I'd just heard (Slipknot), and he asked if it was Slipknot from Iowa... then he told me that Slipknot had been around a few years already and he'd seen them play a couple of t imes and had a CD by them, he asked me if I'd like it. Thats my story of how I got m.f.k.r for nothing/zero/zip.

Rhianon Sold her MFKR on eBay for £360 to Bill Therrien.
Name: Finnur
Location: Iceland
Story: I originally got a fake copy of MFKR in 2002 not knowing it was fake. I was thrilled that I had this rare piece! But I was never completely 100% sure if it was real or not, it came from Des Moines so I was pretty sure at the time. It wasn't until I found out about this website (MateFeedKillRepeat.com) when I discovered that it was fake, I was very pissed off and couldn't except it and chose to ignore the facts. It wasn't until in 2005 when I located a record shop in IOWA city which had one of the original copies, I purchased the cd from them and I now I can say that I am a very proud owner of an original MFKR.

Name: Owen Downing
Story: It was about two or three years ago when a friend was telling me about an album slipknot did before the s/t, the album was called Mate. Feed. Kill. Repeat. He told me it was very rare and was worth a lot. So about a year later I remembered about it and looked on eBay and I saw about five or six so my dad bought me one and I paid him back. I was really pissed off however when I found this website and discovered it was a fake. So I gave it to my sister and from then untill about early march I was looking for an authentic one and telling all the sellers that were selling fakes that they weren't authentic and told them to check this website. Then I saw one, but the listing had no pictures so I e-mailed the seller for some pictures of it open and was head over heels when at one glance I saw it was genuine so my dad bought it for me and so that's how i got my genuine Mate. Feed. Kill. Repeat.

Name: BcK (BarcodeKiller.com)
Location: Germany
Story: I got the CD from a friend of the band in February 2005 who wishes to remain anonymous. The CD was given to him by Paul Gray. I found his internet-address and sent him an e-mail asking whether he would sell me one MFKR.

Name: Jesse Bambino
Location: Omaha, Nebraska USA
Story: I did a long search on eBay like 4 years ago and I found what I believed was a real MFKR cd and I just checked it with your real or fake stuff and my CD has everything that you say it should. I also have a sticker on the booklet and the actual CD that says :
Contact: SeanMcMahon SR Audio (515) 278-6336

Name: David Wojtowicz
Location: Catawissa, Pennsylvania USA
Story: I purchased mine on ebay from someone who was selling it along with a fully autographed PAINFACE CD. As you can see it is signed by Anders.

Name: Ryan Harkness
Location: Nottinghamshire, England
Story: Somehow around three years ago I got in contact with some bloke from Iowa that happened to own a record shop. He said he had a copy of MFKR if I wanted to check it out. At the time there was a lot of fakes being sold on eBay etc and I thought this was going to be one of them. To my amazement it was the real deal AND a record shop promo version. I managed to obtain this for a very reasonable price as the bloke wasnt really a fan. It had just been stored away for years and has no wear or damage at all.

Name: Ryan B
Location: Monterey, California USA
Story: I got my genuine MFKR on eBay. The seller didn't have any pictures so I emailed him for some, instead of posting them on the auction, he only emailed them to me. To my surprise, the copy he was selling was genuine. I bid on the last day and ended up winning it. I'm happy to say that I'm a proud owner of a genuine MFKR.

This CD was sold on eBay on the 24th of March 2007 to Fabian Rodriguez. See the eBay Auctions page for more details
Name: Bill Therrien
Location: Shapleigh, Maine USA
Story: I found my copy on eBay after searching for several years for a genuine disk. I immediately knew I would own it. I wasn't bidding, I was buying! Actually, this is the same CD that Rhianon from the UK sold (see top of owners list page). For those of you who don't know, £360 is the same as about $630 US. I'm not crazy, I'm a maggot! Thanks Rhianon!

Name: Number 9
Location: Slovenia
Story: I've been loking for MFKR for more than 2 years and after seeing the last one that went for more than $600 i was pretty sure I wasn't gonna get mine EVER! But luck struck me and I saw Deadfront CD on eBay and bought it. Just for the fun of it I asked the seller, who since has become a good friend of mine and is a friend of Slipknot, if he has MFKR and he said YES - I started shaking even before I asked him if he would sell it to me but we finally agreed on the price and aprox 4 weeks ago I got my MFKR and am the first one in Slovenia to have it.

Name: Bruno Witzel
Location: Brazil - S o Paulo
Story: I knew Slipknot in 2004 with Subliminal Verses. After that I started looking for the albums of the band. At last I was looking for a MFKR. I looked for it during 2 years, bought a fake one and did lot of crazy things to get this copy. I discovered that the fist I bought was not real in the same day I got it and I got really really angry as you can imagine.
In 2006 March I participated of the biding for the MFKR which is above. I lost. After that I love Therrien's phrase: "I was not biding on that, I was buying it". So I bought my MFKR for $278, and now I'm a proud owner.

Name: Tom Smith
Location: Leicester, England
Story: I've listened to Slipknot ever since their S/T album. However, once I downloaded the songs from MFKR, I knew that album was my favourite and a must-have item. I participated in some eBay auctions that are mentioned above but I didn't win. Finally in July 2006, I won an eBay auction for a genuine MFKR. I was ecstatic and I am truly proud to be an owner of a genuine Mate, Feed, Kill, Repeat.

Name: Nicolas Novoa
Location: Spain
Story: I'm a big fan of this band, and I've been collecting rare items for a long time. But MFKR was pretty hard to find. One day I found out on eBay a real sealed copy so I bought it. It could be the last sealed copy in the world at this point.
Nicolas eventualy sold his copy to Xavier B for $700.

Click image to enlarge.
Nicolas put his copy of MFKR up for sale on eBay on the 29th of August, 2007.
Name: Fabian Rodriguez
Location: Liechtenstein
Story: I had been searching for about 1 year for a MFKR but it is very difficult to find one. But on 03.04.2007 I bought one on eBay from Ryan B. I bought it for $700, not $760 becouse the winning bidder didn't want it and so he gave it to me for $700.
Name: Justin Burroughs
Location: Daytona Beach, Florida
Story: I bought my original copy of Mate. Feed. Kill. Repeat. on eBay from Chrisian of Des Moines, Iowa. He played with Corey, SlipKnoT, and Stone Sour before they made it to superstardom. I have been looking for copies such as this to get my hands on for years, but all I saw was fake after fake. Finally the opprotunity arose. I knew I should take advantage of this, it was now or never. Shortly after the item was listed, I had it set in my mind I wasn't stopping at any cost, and sure enough, I acquired my dream. I give my thanks to Christian for the genuine copys of:
Mate. Feed. Kill. Repeat.

Name: Al
Location: USA
Story: I had been looking on eBay for a LONG time for this CD. Every once in a GREAT while, I would see a real copy pop up, but they were all nearing the $1000 range, and I didn't want to go that high. Eventually, I found one with a starting bid of 99 cents. I watched it for a few days, and with seconds left to go, the highest bid was about $550. I went in and bid $779. Unfortunately, I lost. HOWEVER...the very next day, the seller contacted me via e-mail and said that the highest bidder could not pay him for about a month, and he really needed the money now. I paid him immediately, and although it took him a while to ship the disc, I finally got it and I am now a proud owner of a genuine Mate. Feed. Kill. Repeat.

Name: Tobias Sch¸tz
Location: Denamrk
Story: First I thought I had a real Mate. Feed. Kill. Repeat, bought for only 50 ¨ in 2001, but I realized this was a counterfeit, when I saw the Matefeedkillrepeat.com website in 2005. Then I was on the lookout, almost everywhere for a genuine. Off course mostly on ebay. And once I saw one, but were overbid at last second and the cd was bought for 800$.. Then after a year, at summer 2007, I found a guy, who knew Corey Taylor from the band, but wasn't a big fan of Slipknot, so he sold it to me for only 325$ plus attaching the Painface - Fleshcraft and the Dirty Little Rabbits EP. I was very happy, and three day after I saw one on ebay, sold for 900$.. I also have the Deadfront - Nemesis album, and have received the Atomic Opera - The Judgement cassette tape (this was only made original on cassette)

Name: Xavier B
Location: France
Story: To make a long story very short here's how it goes: I really wanted a genuine copy of MFKR. And I didn't want to wait months or years before owning one. It was, then, by the end of August, 2007 and that this idea began some kind of daily idea, like an obsession. 1st of September, a nice opportunity showed up on a well known website and, even if I was more or less aware that something bad could happen, since 1/ the pictures were the ones of a genuine copy and 2/ since the seller remembered me someone who seemed to already have sold a copy to a member of this owners list, I decided to bid and I won the auction for 710 USD.
Unfortunately, while opening the letter it was not even a real one! I realized that I was ripped off (see Auctions section, date 1st of September 2007) with a vulgar copy in my hands instead of a genuine. After trying to solve the issue with the seller, eventually that person began to claim that a genuine was sent and that I was simply trying to get my money back and that person filled a claim. In the end, the support asked me to have an expert to certify that it was a fake but: 1/ What does such an expert know about MFKR? Or even about Slipknot? ; 2/ And even if it was the case, well, the expert would have certified that it was a fake since it was a fake!- and then the seller would have then claimed that a genuine was sent and that that I replaced it with a fake. The never end story & or the perfect trap. To tell the truth, I was ripped off, I never got my money back and I hope you people won t be so naive and trust people with a poor feedback and unable to tell you, for example, the first number of the special and unique IFPI number you can find on every genuine copy. Because it isn t because pitures are of a real genuine that you will be sent a genuine. Get it?
And here the story comes to its end, thanks to the owner of this website, who supported me all the way and who helped me to go until the end of the negociation in order to have my own 100% genuine copy of MFKR. I got it from Nicolas from Spain , who is an owner who sold his own genuine copy - you can find details about him here, on this same page. Of course I have now all the memorabilia Nicolas used to own and that you can also show here plus a special certificate signed by Nicolas wich insure that: 1/ He obtained his copy from a reliable source; 2/ I m now the proud now owner of a genuine copy of MFKR. Besides, even if it was an unopened album, I decided to check one by one all the details to be sure it was a genuine so it is no more sealed.
Last, without stadidas constant help and support, I would have been fooled like hundreds or thousands fans. So the credit goes to stadidas and his website and you should never ever hesitate to ask him for support, for he s really a good guy and a good help too.

Name: Ashley Clarke
Location: East England
Story: I've always been a huge fan of slipknot and knew about the MFKR album. I wanted the album to complete my collection but I wouldn t settle for a fake one. So I went on a search for weeks on eBay, using this site to tell whether they were fakes or genuine albums. I found many fakes that were being sold on eBay, but couldn t find a genuine copy. Then one day I signed onto eBay and searched for the album, and there it was. The first real one I had seen. I sent the seller emails to send me more close-up pictures of the item. And he replied with the photo s I asked for. I spent a good hour using this sites checklist. And I came to the conclusion that it was in fact a genuine MFKR. And so I waited until the last minute to bid. I was not going to lose. I finally won the album for $255.the previous owner lives in Iowa where the CD came from, and was signed by Paul #2 when the seller saw them in Omaha on tour for the self titled album. The album is in excellent condition and I am now a very proud owner of an original mate.feed.kill .repeat album!

Name: David
Location: Australia
Story: I had been after this CD for years, the first chance I had many years ago, I found one on eBay (a real one) and it was under $50 US. I planned on bidding an hour before the auction ended but fell asleep and missed the auction by 2 hours. This haunted me for years because not long after I missed out this website started and I thought I had missed the boat bigtime as everyone would be able to distinguish between the real and fake copies now. Being a fan, I could never be satisfied knowing I didn't have the real CD and just a fake.
Anyhow 2 years later, I was searching eBay early in the morning and someone had just listed a promo copy. Apparently only around 20 of the 1000 copies were used as promos, and seeing the prices genuines were selling for, I believed the sellers price was reasonable considering the added rarity of the item. I really didn't want to spend so much on a CD but could not bare to miss the chance to own CD again, so I said to heck with it and just bought the thing blindly. The CD arrived 1 week later standard airmail from the USA and I am now one of the few hardcore maggots to own this special piece of history, and only the second person known to have the promo version.

Name: Markus Arndt
Location: Germany
Story: I bought my copy from BcK (barcodekiller) on eBay

Name: Derek
Location: USA
Story: Being a huge fan of Slipknot, I've been looking for a genuine copy of Mate.Feed.Kill.Repeat. for a long time. I see the fake copies on eBay all the time, but thanks to www.matefeedkillrepeat.com I knew exactly what to look for. I had almost given up hope in finding a real copy (that I could afford, anyway) until I finally saw a listing with an image of the CD with 2 rings on it. I asked the seller to send me some more pictures of the disc and booklet, and sure enough it was the real deal. The seller had the CD set at $350 through the "Buy It Now" option but eventually lowered the price a little. The strange thing was that no one on eBay was paying any attention to it at all. I was still somewhat skeptical about the authenticity of the CD but I gave in and bought it for $310. Three days later I had my very own true copy of MFKR. Surprisingly, the disc and booklet have very minimal wear and are both in excellent condition. But needless to say, I am a very happy owner of the album now.

Name: Jack Goodyear
Location: Chingford, London, UK
Story: I got into SlipKnoT when i was 14, about 2 years ago. I has never really taken the time to listen to them, but one day whilst in Virgin megastores i decided to buy the three studio albums - SlipKnoT, Iowa and Vol. 3: The Subliminal Verses. I loved them. I then got the live album 9.0. I had heard of the rare demo released by SlipKnoT and dreamed of one day being able to buy one. I frequently browsed eBay for a copy but they were going for mega bucks. I thought about buing a fake copy but thought what's the point i'll never be satisfied with a fake. I saved up a lot of money earning some for small jobs etc. Finally, a genuine copy came up for sale on eBay, but was taken off almost immediately. I emailed the seller and he said he had had a high offer from Italy so he was going to sell it elsewhere. I thought I had missed my chance. However a few days later i recieved an e-mail from him saying how much would you offer. I offered all the money i'd saved, and the seller accepted. However, I was very cautious as he wanted to do the trade through paypal - not eBay. He was from DES MOINES, IOWA and provided lots of photos. Also he replied instantly to many emails. I thought to myself, it's worth the risk. After around two weeks the CD arrived but I had to pay even more money for customs tax. I finally opened the parcel and there it was - GET IN THERE!! It also came with a CD-R copy of Deadfront - i may purchase the real copy at a later date. It also came with CD-R copies of the seller's bands. I have no idea but i may be the youngest person to own a MFKR CD, after all not many 16 year olds are prepared to pay that much for a CD. I say it's not a CD, it's a 'SlipKnoT' CD.

Name: Alex Fitzgerald
Location: Australia
Story: After years and years of searching on eBay, in every 2nd hand CD shop I could find, tracking people down who claimed to have an original, I always got no luck, all being fakes. Then I saw an original going on eBay. I contacted the seller and he said I could buy it and took it off eBay. 1 week later it came and was the real deal.
I bought my copy for $800 Australian, which was $770 US from Jack Goodyear from UK.

Name: Brandon Hooper
Location: Newfoundland, Canada
Story: I was searching on ebay for months and seeing nothing but fakes I was about to give up searching but then I saw an original for $250 and you could 'buy it now', I nearly jumped out of my chair, I bought it and two weeks later I got my genuine Mate.Feed.Kill.Repeat!

Name: Steffen Mauche
Location: Friedland, Germany
Story: Being one of the biggest Slipknot Fan, I've been looking for the Mate.Feed.Kill.Repeat for so many years. I see so many fakes on eBay. But now I found a real copy and it’s also a promotional cd. Apparently only around 20 of the 1000 copies were used as promos. I bought my copy from an Australian seller on Ebay for 980AU$.

Name: Francesco Tornatore
Location: Germany
Story: I searched on eBay over years! But could never find a genuine! Then I saw Alex Fitzgerald's MFKR on eBay! I knew it was a genuine and bought it for 800 dollars.

Name: Kayla Latham
Location: Des Moines, Iowa
Story: A friend of mine gave me the cd as a present. He got it from Anders, who is one of his close friends. Anders gave him three of the cds when they were first released.

Name: dmpete666
Location: Portland, Oregon USA
Story: I saw the CD up for auction and decided that though I wasn't 100% sure it was real, I'd be willing to risk up to $300 to find out...especially since the pictures posted on the auction looked genuine. Before paying I referred the seller to the MFKR website and asked him to please check that it met all the criteria so that we wouldn't have an problems after I received it. It turned out to be a genuine copy, and though the front insert shows a little more wear than I'd have liked the back insert and CD are in mint condition. I'm stoked to have an original copy, and even happier that I didn't have to sell a kidney on the black market to get it!

Name: Rebecca
Location: New England, USA
Story: I won an eBay auction for one a while back for $125.09 and the person must of figured out what they had and decided not to send the cd . Then I found one with a deadfront cd listed for alot more, but it was on eBay for a while because no one wanted to pay what the person was asking, I offered them a couple hundred dollars less and the accepted my offer, a few weeks later I was down at the post office signing for a brown paper wrapped package and that was what I found inside. Such a nerve racking time waiting, I kept thinking that it was a fake and I just paid all this money for it, or that the person was gonna pull a no send and take the money and run. But they didn't and I thank them for being honest people and sending the real deal.

Name: Alex Z
Location: New Jersey, USA
Story: I'm pretty sure i'm the youngest person to ever own Mate feed kill repeat! I'm only 12 right now but in 7th grade. And i saw Slipknot live. My friend Brian S. showed me Slipknot back in September where my craze of Slipknot began. My friend told about Mate. Feed. Kill. Repeat. when he was telling me about Slipknot. And in March i was lucky enough to have purchased all their dvds and live album and studio albums. Then i was feeling that i finished my collection. But soon after i told myself i have to complete my collection by purchasing Mate Feed Kill Repeat. I originally told myself to just buy a fake one and not care about it. Then when i did purchase a fake MFKR, i felt incomplete in my slipknot collection. Then i was determined to purchase a real MFKR, so i began on a 3 week quest to purchasing the item. I worked and sold a lot of my stuff and i gained 500 bux quickly. And my parents agreed to pay 40 percent. But every time i lost in an auction. Until finally i found my chance, and i bought my album from David D from Australia. Thanks to the following people who made generous donations/ supported me: my aunt, my grandma, my parents, Brian S. , ALEXIS O. , Mallory R., Gabriel V., Herbert L., Jonathan M. Thanks to these people i was able to complete my collection.

Name: Travis Florek
Location: Brooklyn Park, MN
Story: I bought mine from Andrew when he came up to Minnesota for his brothers wedding. He was trying to talk me and my brother into buying some for something like $5 a piece then reselling them to help get there music heard up here. I saw him playing in a different band a couple years befor when I went down to Des Moines with his brother. Well not my kind of music, no offense, to each his own, but Andrew's a great guy so I wanted to help him out and I bought one. Now I wish I would have helped a little more and bought a few.

Name: David Richardson
Location: Newton, IA
Story: I bought a copy of MFKR in 2002 on ebay for $30 and had no reason to believe it was fake until I found this website about a year ago. After learning how rare it really was and the prices some of the people paid for it I decided I was okay with having a fake copy, although I was a little disappointed.
Today I was in a record store in Newton, IA and the owner pulled out a copy of MFKR and said "check this out!" My initial reaction was to start checking for the flaws a fake would have although I could not remember them all. I went home to check it out so I could tell the guy if he also had a fake and realized his was real. I went back to the store to let him know and he had it sitting out along with a self titled Slipknot CD (the rare version with Purity on it) that he was going to sell for $5 before I pointed out it was rare. They were $20 each! I took the CD home just to make sure I didn't miss anything and confirmed it was real. I can't believe I got a real one for less than I paid for a fake!

Name: David
Location: Australia
Story: I acquired this from a collector in Iowa. It is still factory sealed. I paid $3000 US for this as it is the only sealed copy I know of. I am keeping this baby in the safety deposit box at the bank.

Name: Don Alcombright
Location: Massachuetts
Story: I got the album from SR Audio for doing a website for them in 2000. This was signed by Anders in 2 spots (cover and his page), along with a Painface CD signed by the entire band. At the time, when I got into Slipknot I had to hear anything Des Moines. I got into Heroic Dose, God Kill God, Painface and more, and just started making friends with all the bands that surrounded the scene. I have every Slipknot album to date (included this and the original (Purity) release of their s/t. Because I was running a metal webzine at the time (Metal Head Music), currently thrashmag.com, I became friends with a lot of acts out their even though I am from MA.

Name: Tyler Haskell
Location: Upland, CA
Story: I have been looking for this Slipknot Demo shortly after I started getting into Slipknot back in 2003. After searching all over Ebay, I was noticing how expensive these CD's were and I thought I never would get one. So off and on like twice a month I would check to see if there was any I could afford, and I was always out of luck. About 7 years later, I noticed this website, and realized how much this CD was forged and pirated. I then knew I was never going to find one, especially for cheap. December 2010 came and I was going to see if I could find one for Christmas, real or fake. I was taking the risk. I went on Amazon and looked at the used versions of this CD and I knew the only genuine copy I would find would be used. I found one where the seller said it was made in the U.S.A. but had no photos of this CD. I took the risk and added it to the cart. Christmas time came and I knew instantly it was the CD I ordered. I slowly opened it, and sure enough, it was a genuine copy of Mate. Feed. Kill. Repeat. and along with that CD, I asked for the vinyl that I heard only 200 copies of yellow, blue, red, and black were made. I found a yellow, asked a family member for it, and they got it for me. The most amazing part about this story, I got the CD for $52.86 on Amazon, and the Vinyl for $89.00 on Discogs.com

Name: Manu
Location: France
Story: I found my copy on eBay in August 2010. The seller told me that this copy was owned by Craig and his ex-wife. He told me that he was the ex-boyfriend of the ex-wife of Craig (who died in 2005). I didn't really believe it but the cd looks real so i took it. 7 days after i received the CD. And when i opened the booklet...SURPRISE! The booklet was signed by Mick, Anders,Paul,Craig,Corey,Clown,James,Joey and Sid, all for "Kitty" (the nickname of the exwife of Craig). I was so happy!

Name: Nandy Filth (Arnaldo Orta)
Location: Ponce, Puerto Rico
Story: IÕve been listening to Slipknot since 97' and since they become worldwide I have become a Slipknot collector. One day I was looking some CDs on eBay and I saw one Mate Feed Kill Repeat, my friend told me that was the bands demo back in 1996 and he told me that it was impossible to own one genuine copy nowadays and that there are only 1000 copies available but I didnÕt cared about what he told me and i bought it for $25 because it was an auction and my curiosity was very high. I was thinking that it was a fake copy anyways because it didn't have no pictures of it but I wanted to know how it sound and how it was the CD Book inside and how they looked. In the time that the CD was in the way to my house I was looking for songs of MFKR on the net and I discovered this site, I didnÕt know how to check if it was real or not at the time so I was checking how different they were and everything and then I went to sleep. I Received the CD the very next day and when I opened it I check it and it was genuine. I got the other by a friend, he had it by a friend back in 2000 and he didnÕt like it that much so he just put it away and one day I was in his house and I was checking all his CDs and DVDs and I saw he had a MFKR copy and when I opened it I notice that it was a real one, so I talked to my friend and asked him if I can keep it and he said I could because he was going to sell it or throw it on the trash anyways because he didnÕt like it. I bought one in 2010 on www.Amazon.com for $200 but I sold it for $600 to a friend because someone in my family got sick and I need the money at the time but the sad thing is that it was sealed, I guess the seller didn't knew what he had. I got the other one by my uncle because he was listening to very heavy music specially in 96Õ - 03Õ so one of his friends gave him a copy of a MFKR that he got on Safari Club In 96Õ so he can listen to it. My uncle listened to it and he liked it and he asked his friend if he can keep it and he said yes. One day I was at my uncle house and he was putting away every none ÒChristianÓ item out of his house because he was ÒReligiousÓ (his religious moment only lasted 5 months) and he gave me the MFKR, he said that I should keep it, but if not, that I should put it on the trash but when I opened it I notice AGAIN, ANOTHER GENUINE ON MY HANDS. I bought my last copy on 4/16/11 on eBay. I woke up that morning very early and I saw that someone was selling one for $54 dollars, I e-mailed the seller and I asked him if he could send me pictures of it and he quickly e-mailed me the pictures and it was genuine so I bought It quickly. I bought one in 2009 sealed but I was talking to my friend finnur (he is listed on this list and is the one who run www.mfkr1.com) and he told me that the number 4 on the barcode was kinda close to the bar like a fake one. The next day I started looking at the other 4 genuines copies that I have and I notice that the barcode was not the same as the sealed one has, so to be out of doubts I risked myself and I opened it very carefully to make no damage to the wrap and very sad news, it was fake. The CD was very very a like to the original one, it has the 2 rings and everything but it was fake because it was not the same tone of green that the genuine has and it was not green on the silver back side either, it was white.

Name: Nandy Filth (Arnaldo Orta)
Location: Ponce, Puerto Rico
Story: I bought this promotional copy from a friend who live in Texas on 5/3/11, he had it in a very good conditions and for years on his hands. He told me that he had one copy and I told him to send me photos of it and well as you can see it was real and I didnt wait one more day and I bought it for $80 dollars because he said that it didnt mean for him that much because he only like the self title album and that is why he was not going to ask for $600 to his own friend for it and now I am the proud owner of 5 MFKR and one of them promotional :)

Name: Boris Tophofen
Location: Meerbusch, Germany
Story: As I am a huge SlipKnoT Fan I was looking for something special of the band. And one of those things is the Mate. Feed. Kill. Repeat. As luck would have it I found a genuine copy on eBay offered by Jack Goodyear and I choosed the ÒBuy it nowÓ option, didnÕt care how much it cost. Now I am a proud owner of MFKR signed by Anders Colsefini. ThankÕs a lot Jack and stay (sic)

Name: Tyto
Location: Lima, Peru
Story: I got it from a guy who worked with the band in the self titled early days. He had 2 copies, 1 opened and 1 unopened. I definitly bought him the unopened. I also got a Setlist from 1998 show maybe.
I've been looking this for many years really, searching on ebay time to time. This copy came to me thanks to my big brother Finnur! I am a proud owner Now!

Name: Colin Byrne
Location: Dover, New Hampshire
Story: Well, for myself, I got into Slipknot shortly after seeing them at Ozzfest in '99. Picked up the album after it was released was hooked from there. It never left my car stereo. Then Iowa came out. Fell in love even more. Then my boss at Roadrunner Records(part of the road crew) told me about a rare demo titled, Mate.Feed.Kill.Repeat. He explained it was rare and hard to come by. That made me want this album even more. Anyways, checked ebay right away. Sure enough there were a shitload listed. Not knowing there were fake copies then I bid on the cheapest one and won for $50.00 Boy was I bullshit when it arrived. It was a printed over sticker on a burnable cd. I gave up for a few years until I came across stadidas' website. I began to study the differences bewteen the authentic and fake versions. I began checking ebay daily like I had a bad case of OCD or something. Now and again ones would pop up and I would always be outbid at the last second or the price was way more than what I wanted to pay. Finally, one popped up with a starting bid of $366 or buy it now for $666. Now using a cell its hard to bid at the last second as the page takes forever too load. I left work early and arrived home with 10 minutes to go. With 10 seconds left I bid $450 and WON!!!! :) I paid the same day. But Jesus, that week as it was being mailed was the longest week of my life. Scared not knowing if the seller was being honest with me with this being one of the genuine albums. Mail arrived and with my heart beating 1000 times a second I ripped open the package and inside..THERE IT WAS!!! A GENUINE ALL FOR ME!! If it wasnt for stadidas' help with his website and guidance during bidding I would've surely missed out on this album and a piece of history too us metal fans. So I am forever grateful to the seller for being honest and stadidas' help. That is how I got my copy. To those of who still looking, keep trying..you can do it!!! \m/

Name: Moonhyung Andrew Lee
Location: South-Korea
Story: When I was 15-year-old, I just bought Slipknot's self-titled album S/T in curiosity and It was AWWWEEESOME. After listening to their first debut album, I wanna hear some more songs. So I bought all of their Full-Length album(Iowa, vol3:the subliminal verses,9.0:live and selftitled album that includes 'Purity' and 'Frail Limb Nursery'-It was released by Jigu Record, which had the liscense to make the Slipknot's first album in Korea before the rising of problem about that two tracks.).
Oneday, I downloaded a demo track that is similar to '(sic)'. Yep, It was MFKR 1st track 'slipknot'. With interest, I found that demo track is mastured in a album called "mate.feed.kill.repeat". I really wanna got one in my hand...but I was too young to possess money to buy genuine one. and I just gave up to have MFKR. BUT, since that I have saved cash and finally got this genuine MFKR!!! I am supposed to be the first owner of MFKR in Korea ;-)
stadidas! this cool guy really helped ME!! If you have any question about MFKR, you do NOT hesitate to contant him !!^^

Name: John
Location: Mexico
Story: I met slipknot when I was 12 and I began to like it when I was 13. In a few time, I bought all their albums (slipknot, iowa, vol. 3, all hope is gone and slipknot 10th anniversary edition) but then, one of my friends told me about a demo of slipknot called Mate.Feed.Kill.Repeat, and I began to investigate about it. And, in my country I found a similar website to eBay and I saw that one person was selling a MFKR for $30 US, but I entered to this page and after, I saw it was fake. I thought in buy it, but I wanted to have a genuine MFKR, so I continued searching for a long time and, months after I found a MFKR in $80 US. I contacted with the seller and I asked to him if he could send me photos of the CD. He said yes, and then I checked that it was a real MFKR. I bought the CD and after, I had to wait 3 weeks for my CD arrived to my house. It were the longest weeks of all my life, but finally, the CD arrived to my house and I was proud of me, because after all, I finally had a genuine MFKR in my power. Now I have 14 years, and I'm not sure, but I think that I am the youngest boy that has an original MFKR, and I believe that I am the only guy in Mexico that have a MFKR, and now I can feel proud of this!

Name: Kaio Rocha
Location: São Paulo - Brazil
Story: Well, from a long time i was looking for a MFKR authentic copy, as we all know its really hard to find now a days. but for a crazy Maggot, nothing is impossible. One day i went to a Rock gallery looking for everything about SlipknoT, then for a second, looking at the showcase store i saw a dark green cover ,I went back to see it again, i couldn't believe, but yes that was MFKR, then i asked to seller to let me see if that copy was really genuine, and for my happyness, it was 100% authentic. The price that i paid was $130, poor seller had no idea about the bad business that he did =D.

Name: David / Random Hero UK
Location: Manchester, England
Story: I bought my Mate Feed Kill Repeat from Ryan in Ft. Wayne, IN. He has had the copy since 1998 that he got from his girlfriend's at the time father who knew Sean McMahon. It was signed by Mick, Paul, Clown, Sid, Cuddles and Joey. I paid $300 for it which I was more than happy to pay and now I am now able to say I have a genuine copy of Mate Feed Kill Repeat which I have been after for many years.

Name: Brandon Miller
Location: Alameda, California
Story: I bought my copy of M.F.K.R. from Mick while he was working at Ye Olde Guitar Shoppe in Urbandale Iowa.

Name: Aaron
Location: Perth, Western Australia
Story: Ive been a slipknot fan since 2000 and started collecting there cds, promos and dvds. Ive always wanted a copy of mfkr but everytime a genuine was available on ebay i wouldnt have the money, then i found a genuine used on the amazon website emailed a few times for pics and then bought it from sellador for $700. Completes my collection and i cant believe i own a rare piece of slipknot history!

Name: Greg B
Location: State College, PA
Story: The seller wrote a nice letter giving the history of the CD. She acquired it in Des Moines IA while Slipknot and Painface played a gig together at the American Legion Hall. New Years Eve, apparently. Seller mentioned meeting some band members and waiting on them (apparently she was a waitress in town). She also has a friend that was a member of Painface.....but no name mentioned.

Name: Johnny Hartman
Location: Englewood, OH
Story: I've been on the hunt for about 12 years and finally everything fell into place. I saw the post on eBay and checked it out. It was listed buy it now $200. I couldn't believe it. I'd never seen one listed for such a low price. So I was on it like flies on shit. It just came in the mail and now my collection is finally complete. 14 years of being a fan and I've finally done it.

Name: Blake
Location: Tampa, Florida
Story: I had been looking for MFKR for about a month on Ebay. Obviously I'm a Slipknot fan and as such I really wanted a legit copy of MFKR, and I wouldn't settle for less. I went on Ebay to check what was there one day and the first result I saw was a copy worth $700 with a "Buy It Now" option. I looked at the pictures and saw that was indeed a real copy and the seller uploaded five or six pictures of the band's signatures as well as the CD and back of the CD to prove that it had the green center, not white, as many fakes do. He also had a story in the Description section explaining how he got the signatures -- by meeting the band at Ozfest in 1999. I took no time in clicking "Buy It Now" and paid the full $700. Needless to say I was psyched when it finally came in and now I'm a *very* proud owner of a *real* MFKR album.

Name: Michele
Location: Rome, Italy
Story: I have always dreamt to buy the first rare demo of the slipknot, favourite group. Fortunately, a friend of mine told me there was a seller on a social network who had three copies of it.. I got in touch with the seller and after an hour I made the bargain. On May 2nd 2015, I became the first owner in Italy of the only true, original MFKR.

Name: Emma
Location: UK
Story: Bought on shopping website Etsy for $600

Name: Zoltan
Location: Hungary
Story: I was browsing randomly on ebay and discogs while working and the MFKR showed up as a new auction, and the description said it's the original. The price was 150 USD, but there was not a single photo with that.
I first thought it's the common bootleg, and left it, but my thoughts always returned to that auction and constantly knock me out of focus. After 1 hour I decided to check if it's still there, and I was lucky. The auction was still running. I asked some photos from the seller instantly. Luck was on my side once again, because the seller sent to me the photos instantly, and despite the bad quality, the disc looked original, and the story he told me about how he obtained convinced me that this is my chance, now or never. The disc has a sticker with the band's lawyer's contact on it, but I can live with that.

Name: Robert
Location: Ohio
Story: I purchased a copy of MFKR from Anders himself on a Slipknot message board back around 2000-2001. He posted on the board that he had a few copies left and sold it to me for $350. It is signed by Anders and Shawn. I was a massive Slipknot fan and completionist so getting a shrinkwrapped copy for that much seemed like a great deal. There are some slight tiny tears on the plastic shrinkwrap and I have never considered opening it. I tried to sell it once and would consider selling for the right price, but I still enjoy owning a nice piece of music history.

Name: Shane Marino
Location: Melbourne, Australia
Story: Ironically, MFKR1.com is the reason I found my copy. Sharing the seller's item on their Facebook page, I saw it and immediately messaged the seller, hoping it was still for sale. I had searching for a genuine MFKR for many years. Finally, it was my time.
Note: The disc is signed by Paul Gray in 1996.

Name: Brent Monson
Location: USA
Story: I bought my CD on the night of the CD release party at the Safari Club in Des Moines. At that time I believe that Sophia John was their manager (107.5 alternative radio). It was $10, and I remember someone telling me it was a great purchase because I had mentioned I hadn't seen the band before.

Name: Vossman's Parlor
Location: Sleepy Hollow, IL
Story: Flash back to the year 2001: My brother's college roommate (Bradley University, IL) was from Des Moines and he was into metal. He had a copy of Mate Feed Kill Repeat and he told me he bought the CD new back in the 1990's somewhere in his home town. Every time I saw him I would hound him to sell it to me, but he refused. I liked Slipknot a LOT at the time (still do), and I knew he had something rare and valuable. The problem was, he knew it too. The year 2002 rolled around and he was about to graduate college and join the working world. I knew I might never see him again, so I made him an offer he couldn't refuse: $100 for his Mate Feed Kill Repeat. He agreed with 1 condition: I just had to simply promise him a CDR copy so he could still listen to the music. I gave him the cash and the burned copy, he gave me the cd and we both parted ways, happy about the transaction. That is how I acquired mine.

Name: John Johnson
Location: Des Moines
Story: I have three copies of the original Mate. Feed. Kill. Repeat. I only opened one. I guess I "knew" they would be HUGE. Even the one I opened and listened to is barely scratched. I got them from a distributor out of Omaha. I think it was in 1997 or 1998.

Name: Greg B
Location: State College, PA
Story: The second CD was purchased via Ebay from John Johnson in Des Moines Iowa. He also had the sealed copy for sale but I purchased an open copy.

Name: Andy Long
Location: Ohio
Story: I recently got a gunuine copy of mfkr. I've been a fan of Slipknot scince Iowa came out and scince, love listening to all thier albums. I knew I would have to spend some money to complete my collection but I had to own the real copy. Now I'm one of the thousand people that can say they have the complete collection.

Name: Sebastian
Location: Germany
Story: I've been Slipknot fan for years and have always been looking for a real MFKR. Now I found a seller from australia and contacted him, he sold me in absolutely top condition. Now I'm a proud owner of this legend!

Name: Matteo87
Location: Italy
Story: After a few years of research finally in 2018 I got my hands on the first mfkr, bought immediately on eBay, a few months later, I accidentally discovered another mfkr !!! The biggest surprise was when I found out that it was manu France !!!!

Name: lunatic666
Location: Wentzville, MO
Story: I got this from Matteo87 on eBay.

Name: Matteo87
Location: Italy
Story: I have had many MFKR, these 3 are the best copies I decided to keep, special thanks to the old owners, Manuel (France) Ryan (England) Kasoyavic (USA).

Name: Blaine Smith
Location: Center Point, Iowa
Story: I got my original MFKR cd in 2021 from my niece as a christmas present. Before she had the cd it originally came from my ex-brother-in-law. He told me that he had bought it brand new from Best Buy in Cedar Rapids, Iowa back when it was released. Unfortunately he had lost the artwork years ago, he told me he burnt up all of his artwork and cd cases to save space at home, so i have no artwork for it but at least the disc still survived. This was about the best christmas gift i could ever ask for, so grateful for this!! (and despite all the scratches on it, it doesn't even skip!!)

Name: Juan Caro G
Location: Chile
Story: One of them i got it from Tyler N. Sharp (Duality SC in etsy) and the second copy i got it from ebay from a random guy that sold it there.

If you would like to be on the owners list, please e-mail your name, location, the story of how you got your Mate. Feed. Kill. Repeat. CD, and a picture of your CD to prove that it is genuine, to stadidas@matefeedkillrepeat.com