Welcome to MateFeedKillRepeat.com
To navigate around the site, choose one of the options listed below by clicking the appropriate option on the menu to the right of the page.
Real or Fake is the guide true Slipknot collectors have needed since their hunt began, and exposes all the flaws of the common fake.
The Checklist informs you of how to check whether your Mate. Feed. Kill. Repeat. CD is genuine without having a definite genuine CD to compare with.
The Owners List is where proud owners of the genuine CD can show theirs to the world.
eBay Auctions lists the prices that Mate. Feed. Kill. Repeat. CDs are selling for on eBay.

All site content © 2003-2020 MateFeedKillRepeat.com. Any unauthorised use and/or reproduction is punishable under international copyright law.
MateFeedKillRepeat.com is a subsidiary of stadidas Enterprises